Crostata di fragole - AARDBEIEN TAART

Ciao Ragazzi,

today I feel like something sweet but not too sweet a cake with strawberries, my favorite cake after the tiramisù and you?? which is your favorite one?
Don't worry it's easy, if I can make it everybody can :)

Ok iniziamo

for Shortcrust pastry (pasta frolla)
(28cm baking tray)

250gr plain flour
125gr cold butter
100gr icing sugar
2 eggs, yolks only
1 espresso cup of limoncello or the skin of a lemon
pinch of salt

for Custard (crema pasticcera)

6 eggs, yolks only
45gr maizena (cornstarch)
140gr caster sugar
500ml fresh milk
1 vanilla pod or ½ tsp vanilla extract

for Gelatin (gelatina)

100gr caster sugar
100ml water
half lemon juice


600gr strawberries


Start by making a Shortcrust pastry.
I make it like this: put in a mixer the sifted flour with the butter cutted in small pieces and a pinch of salt. Mix it till you get a sandy compound.
Put the dough onto a work surface sprinkled very lightly with flour, add in the middle the sifted icing sugar, the limoncello or the skin of a lemon (better biologic) and the 2 eggs only the yolks. 
Knead lightly to form a smooth ball, try to work quickly so that it does not become greasy.
Wrap the dough in clingfilm as before and chill for 30 minutes before using.

While the dough is resting, prepare the Custard (crema pasticcera):

  1. Bring the milk, the vanilla pod and the seeds to simmering point slowly over a low heat.
  2. Remove the vanilla pod.
  3. Whisk the yolks, sugar and cornflour together in a bowl until well blended.
  4. Pour the hot milk and cream on to the eggs and sugar, whisking all the time with a balloon whisk.
  5. Return to the pan and over a low heat gently stir with a wooden spatula until thickened.
  6. Pour the custard into a jug and cover the top with clingfilm to prevent skin forming.
While the custard gets cold, bake the shortcrust pastry. To prevent that it becomes soggy, shortcrust pastry cases need to be partially cooked before adding moist fillings. This process, known as blind baking, which seals the surface and results in a crisp pastry case.
  1. Line the base and sides of an uncooked pastry case with non-stick baking paper. Fill with rice, dried beans, or metal or ceramic baking weights. (This stops the pastry base rising during cooking.) Place on a baking tray and cook in an oven preheated to 180C for 15-20minutes,
  2. Remove the pastry case from the oven and remove the baking paper and rice, dried beans or baking weights. Cook for a further 7-10 minutes (depending on the size of the pastry case) or until light golden.
  3. wait till cold before sprinkle with cream
Last thing to prepare is the gelatin, pouring water in a saucepan and dissolve the sugar by low heat. Stir and when it begins to boil, add the lemon juice also filtered and let thicken a while even as the flame is lit.Transfer the gelatin in a small bowl and let it cool.

If the shortcrust (pasta frolla) and the custard (crema pasticcera) are cold than we can spread the creme on the top of the cake and cut the strawberries in slices, I always start from the middle of it with a big one and the rest in a circle. 
Then brush the strawberries with warm jelly and place the cake to cool in the refrigerator for at least an hour before serving. 

Enjoy it :)

If you liked it, please give me your feedback!

and don't forget to subscribe on my blog ;)

...soon I'll make the video recipe of this jammie cake 

Baci and see you next recipe 
